Saturday, August 30, 2014

Lisa Renee Jones Autographed Swag CONTEST! 2 Chances to WIN

Hey guys, I have some sweet swag to share with you! Just follow my blog and enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win.

Each prize package includes an item autographed by Lisa Renee Jones.

 If you haven't read her Inside Out series yet, I highly recommend reading them.  Amazon is still running the first 2 books and Rebecca's Lost Journals on sale!

If I Were You (#1) $1.99- Amazon

Rebecca’s Lost Journals $2.99- Amazon

Being Me (#2) $2.98- Amazon

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I've been Team Mark ever since BEING ME When I started to see the vulnerable cracks in his polished veneer. He's so bad that he's great. :) Though I really like Chris too...

  2. Team Chris cause I simply love him

  3. Team Chris no matter the secrets I'll still love him. I'll support his needs

  4. Team chris love bad boys and tats

  5. Team Mark. Love a man in a suit!

  6. I am team Chris. But I love Mark too. Mark reminds me of Eric from True Blood. The way he was always in control and never let anyone in.
    Chris is beautiful to me. He is open to love and Sara and him together is a wonderful love story.

  7. team chris, a bad boy with tattoos? what else to ask

  8. Team Chris. Everything just oozes sexy

  9. so hard to choose but Team Chris :)

  10. Team Mark. He's so lost right now and showing his vulnerable side.

  11. Team Chris. Don't know enough of why Mark is such a douche, but who knows, maybe when all is revealed I'll switch teams.

  12. Team switzerland! I love both of them ;)

  13. Team Chris! His charming ways.

  14. Team Chris. Just to feel what he makes her feel.

  15. i haven't read a books read but i will soon. But for now team Chris coz i like his name more ;)

  16. Team Chris because he is so sexy. I also like Mark but he is still a mystery.

  17. Team Chris!! I love that he's not a cookie cutter type of man!!

  18. Chris.... I love him....

  19. I choose Chris. He is so sexy and sweet with Sara. He takes care of her and actually loves her. I love Mark too but he is just a control freak!
    Team Chris!

  20. No clue - haven't read the books yet... Looking forward to reading them!

  21. Team Chris who doesn't love a dude with tattoos?!

  22. Team Chris! He's a tattooed bad badboy and an artist. I love that!

  23. Team Chris!! Seriously, what's not to love about him?

  24. Team Chris. Although I love Mark too. But firstly team Chris because he has tattoos and because of how mysterious he can be. He's also one of those guys who would stick by you when something goes wrong. He wouldn't be one of those men to just pick up and walk away. He would stay and fight for whatever it is he's at risk of losing.

  25. Team Chris all the way. He is just too sexy!

  26. Team Chris because of the sex appeal.

  27. Team Chris!! Cause he's sexy as hell!!! Yummy bad boys!!!! Excuse me, did I say boys? I ment men!!!!

  28. Team Chris - he seems more genuine and down to earth.

  29. Team CHRIS!!! I've loved everything about him since the beginning!!!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Team Chris. He has a hard time accepting that Sara can truly love him for everything that he is, even the 'dark' places of himself.

  32. I would have to say that I am team Chris. Ever since I read the first book I was drawn to him. He has this dark side and you can tell it weighs down on him, but at the same time he manages to be really sweet and caring. It's really hard not be attracted to that :-)

  33. Team Chris. Love tormented sexy artist

  34. Team Chris. Hawt guy with tats!!

  35. Team Chris, he has that bad boy thing going on.

  36. Hard to choose. I'm so wishy-washy, I can't. ;)

  37. Team Mark! Love his silliness that comes out here and there!

  38. Chris, because he's Chris!

  39. tough choice but I would have to say Team Chris because I just love how he is!!!

  40. I'am Tean Chris .. I love the man he is sexy leather hair that you would die to run your fingers thur dam sexy !donna beaucage

  41. If I could have a mix between both that would be perfect. N I'd name him Julius

  42. Chris 100%. Beautiful, brilliant and caring. However flawed, he wants to consider the needs and feelings of others. Mark is NOT the wonderful Master he sees himself as because he is too selfish and arrogant.

  43. Team Chris although I can´t wait for Marks HEA =D
    Thanks for the giveaway & Happy Sunday!

  44. Team Chris. Something about him drew me in from the beginning.

  45. Team Chris. The way he loves Sara and how passionate he is.

  46. Totally team Chris... I love the artist !!

  47. Team Chris cause he is passionate!

  48. I am Chris's girl though I am beginning to understand Mark more and more with the novellas. Chris is a rebel, his own person. And I really want to lick his tattoo!

  49. Well, I have yet to st at t the series, so I am going to say both right now. Need to do some reading before I decide which one I am drawn to.

  50. Totally team Chris. He has a wonderful soul to his character. Incredible sensitivity but a total badass when needed in and out of the bedroom or living room or any room, especially if there is a large window.

  51. Team Mark. Because I don't like Chris's issues.

  52. Team chris I just always liked him more

  53. I know we have to choose just one... but I really can't! >.< I am BOTH Team Chris and Team Mark! I love BOTH of them which is why I am so addicted to the books! I fell so hard for Chris since the beginning in If I Were You! Although he's broken and has demons from his past, he is such a beautiful man through and through! He's handsome, a talented artist, passionate lover and a rich philanthropist! Bless his heart! He's perfect in every sense and I can't wait to see Chris and Sara get married! They so deserve their HEA!!! ♥ As for Mark, I've always been attracted to his domineering Master ways ;) He's such a sexy alpha male! But what made me fall for him real hard is seeing him crumble after finding out Ava killed Rebecca. He was so hurt and it was in Being Me I saw how much he loved Rebecca although he never got a chance to show/tell her :( Beneath that steely exterior, there's another side of Mark, an emotional/loving/caring side he doesn't often show and I really hope by some miracle, Rebecca isn't dead! (Sorry Crystal! Nothing against you, but I really feel for Rebecca!) Thanks for the giveaway! :)

    Rafflecopter name: Tess H
    Email: tess_halim AT hotmail DOT com
