Friday, May 22, 2015

Review: HAVOC: The Dred Chronicles Book #2 by Ann Aguirre

In this fast-paced, action-packed sequel to Ann Aguirre's Perdition, where she first introduced us to the dangerous inhabitants of the prison ship who were divided into warring six territories, always striving to expand their domains. We met the Dread Queen, leader of the Queensland territory, Dredsdemona “Dred” Devos, and the mercenary, Jael as they fought to maintain and expand their boundaries with their allies.Havoc picks up shortly after Perdition ends, jumping right into a new battle. As Dred, Jael, Tameron, and Martine go to meet a supply ship, they soon learn their mistake. It's not supplies that have been sent to the prison ship, but mercenaries sent by the Conglomerate to obliterate the convicts of Perdition. The surprise is on the mercs though, as they were expecting chaos and disorder, but not that the inmates would attack back with well-versed tactics. 
Even when things look bleak, the Dread Queen refuses to relinquish her position without a fight, can Dred, Jael, Tam, Martine, and the other prisoners hold their ground, or is this the end...

Havoc is an exhilarating thrill-ride that has completely enthralled me. I absolutely love reading the Dred Chronicles, and if reading is an addiction, I'm not ready to be weaned off. I'm going through some serious withdrawals as I'm anxiously awaiting the final installment Breakout (not until AUGUST!).

Dred is a kick-ass, awesome character that I'm eager to keep reading about. I love her interactions with individuals on the ship and the chemistry that flows between her and Jael. She is a leader that knows who she can show her weaknesses to and who not to. Her crew are are eager to follow her and are proud to say they belong to the Dread Queen's gang...heck I want to be part of her gang!

I cannot get enough of Jael—and I just discovered that I can get more of him in Ann Aguirre's Sirantha Jax series! I am totally glomming onto that—Jael has never opened himself up to others as he does to Dred and as I read it, I would really like it if he'd open up to me *wink-wink*. I can't get enough of him, he's proved that he's not just a sexy warrior, but his tender side has shown through and he's proven to be a clever strategist too.

Not only am I drawn to Dred and Jael, but Ms. Aguirre has engulfed me into the entire character line-up as I feel so invested with these characters that I hope we get to see them earn their freedom.

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