Saturday, February 25, 2012

Review: HOT & HEAVY by Sandra Hill

I think the old cover is HOTTER than the new. :-)
Viking II Time-travel– VIKINGS in the modern world!

Since the disappearance of Madrene Olgadottir's family, she has had to fend for herself. She was doing a pretty good job of it too, until a neighboring enemy captured her and sold her into a harem. As she is trying to escape a harem, things really start to get interesting, unbeknownst to her, she is thrown ten centuries into the future.

Lt. Ian MacLean mistakes Madrene for his enemy's mistress, but when that is quickly corrected, he finds he cannot so easily detach himself from the quirky, quarrelsome woman. And soon discovers that he just might not want to.


Hot & Heavy is peppered with Sandra Hill's signature humor. She has the knack of making the corniest phrases funny and she keeps the story hot. I loved how she had Maddie interpreting her experiences and the everyday objects, that were so new to her. 
New cover...not as sexy.
I really enjoyed Ian and Maddie's story, as they both had so much to learn from each other. They each had to face culture shocks, obvious for Maddie, who had just jumped across the lines of time, and Ian had to acclimate himself to living with her. I enjoyed their sexual tension and the way they steamed the pages up when they finally caved to their wants. 
It was great when Maddie found out that her family had also time-traveled, and she was able to reunite with them. And I loved revisiting with old friends. As always, I'm looking forward to what ever Sandra Hill has coming next...which I hear is going to be a mix of Viking Vampire Angels—in the modern times. Hmmm, it's definitely and original combination, I can't wait to see what she does with it.

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