Sunday, December 4, 2011

Getting into Christmas

I'm trying to get into the spirit of the holiday, but it's just not hitting me.  I hoped putting the tree and decorations up would help.   


  1. I'm having a hard time getting into the holiday spirit, too! In fact, I haven't put up any decorations yet. Hopefully I'll get it done by this weekend.
    Love all of your decorations~cute snowmen. I have a Santa collection.
    Anyhow~just wanted to say "hope the holiday spirit finds you soon". I enjoy reading your reviews.

  2. Thank you Michelle!

    It has made me feel better since I decorated... funny how just seeing everything put out and lit up can make me smile, that and my youngest son who is sooo excited by it all--and reminds me about what the season is really about.

    I decided to collect snowman a few years ago because I get to leave them up after Christmas...usually until March.:)

    I hope you find the Christmas spirit too. :)
